Open Terminal

The -p flag is used to specify the Windows Terminal profile that should be opened. Substitute 'Ubuntu-18.04' with the name of any terminal profile that you have installed. This will always open a new window. Windows Terminal is not yet capable of opening new tabs or panes in an existing instance. In Visual Studio Code, you can open an integrated terminal, initially starting at the root of your workspace. This can be convenient as you don't have to switch windows or alter the state of an existing terminal to perform a quick command-line task. To open the terminal: Use the Ctrl+` keyboard shortcut with the backtick character.

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How to open linux terminal
  1. Like i child…

  2. Since aliasing gitwww to open the current github repo’s home page, ive saved prob. 2 mins/day. Plus is saves my fingers a trip to the mouse!

    • could you share how you made the alias dynamic to access the current repo’s homepage?

  3. I thought you’re gonna use lynx :))

  4. open didnt work :(
    but start did :) in windows environment

  5. Heh, you got me there! I thought you wrote an article about lynx :-) Thanks for sharing though, it’s especially useful when grabbing stuff using curl or wget…



You can install Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store.

If you don't have access to the Microsoft Store, the builds are published on the GitHub releases page. If you install from GitHub, the terminal will not automatically update with new versions.

First run

After installation, when you open the terminal, it will start with PowerShell as the default profile in the open tab.

Dynamic profiles

The terminal will automatically create profiles for you if you have WSL distros or multiple versions of PowerShell installed. Learn more about dynamic profiles on the Dynamic profiles page.

Open a new tab

You can open a new tab of the default profile by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T or by selecting the + (plus) button. To open a different profile, select the ˅ (arrow) next to the + button to open the dropdown menu. From there, you can select which profile to open.

Open Terminal As Root

Invoke the command palette

You can invoke most features of Windows Terminal through the command palette. The default key combination to invoke it is Ctrl+Shift+P.

Open a new pane

You can run multiple shells side-by-side using panes. To open a pane, you can use Alt+Shift++ for a vertical pane or Alt+Shift+- for a horizontal one. You can also use Alt+Shift+D to open a duplicate pane of your focused profile. Learn more about panes on the Panes page.


To customize the settings of your Windows Terminal, select Settings in the dropdown menu. This will open the settings.json file in your default text editor. (The default text editor is defined in your Windows settings.)

Open Terminal Mac

The terminal supports customization of global properties that affect the whole application, profile properties that affect the settings of each profile, and actions that allow you to interact with the terminal using your keyboard or the command palette.


Open Terminal Windows 10

You can also use the settings UI to configure your settings if you are using Windows Terminal Preview. You can learn how to open the settings UI on the Actions page.

Open Terminal In Atom

Command line arguments

You can launch the terminal in a specific configuration using command line arguments. These arguments let you open the terminal with specific tabs and panes with custom profile settings. Learn more about command line arguments on the Command line arguments page.


If you encounter any difficulties using the terminal, reference the Troubleshooting page. If you find any bugs or have a feature request, you can select the feedback link in the About menu of the terminal to go to the GitHub page where you can file a new issue.